Sonus News

We have teamed up with Jacaranda to bring you something great!

At Sonus, sound and acoustic materials have always been our bread and butter but now, with the help of Jacaranda, we know a lot about wood veneer. Jacaranda has comprehensive ranges of wood-based materials for all sorts of wall, millwork, cabinetry, and specialty applications. Founded in 1984, Jacaranda are experts in wood products.

Now enough background, let's get into the good stuff. Jacaranda has shared some of their vast knowledge with us and the apprentice is now a master, giving us the opportunity to teach their CEU to architects who have an interest in wood veneer. In this presentation architects will learn: 

  1. Understand how Wood Veneer at .2mm or thinner, vs .6mm reduces technical challenges of natural wood veneer. 
  2. Gain proficiencies in these technologies to integrate them appropriately when projects require substantial reductions, financial or natural, for acoustic mitigation, climatic challenges or design innovation. 
  3. Communicate the credibility of this technology to their client, by reviewing history of success in common consumer products, enabling exciting opportunities in wood veneer. 
  4. Summarize slicing and matching of veneer and ways to assemble them into usable systems. 
  5. Have clarity on sustainable use of highly renewable, commonly desirable premium wood species.

This presentation is packed full of valuable information. Not only does it educate you on the points listed above, it has so much other information to offer. This presentation covers everything from the history of wood veneer and how the products are made to the benefits of wood veneer and its effect on the environment. Wood products and wood veneer are such popular materials for interior design and this presentation really gives you a good base of knowledge for these products.

Now you might be asking yourself “Why would an acoustic company be giving a presentation about wood products?” The answer is probably simpler than you might think. We build gorgeous wood veneer covered acoustic products (see Trava, Aoudi, Loda) and use Jacaranda for our wood veneer! That’s not bragging, that’s credentials. We give this presentation because we love these products, have worked closely with the Jacaranda team for years, and want to spread the love!

If you are interested in this presentation or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us or click HERE to sign up for a lunch and learn!

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